Monday, February 03, 2014


There is a great division in people...

A willingness to be,
to stay with nothing, 
or simply to leave...

This inner ambiguity,
is portraying the will,
of the 'encounter ' ... 
that, of what the psychologist's calls,
the 'inner finding'...

I believe it can be,
even more than that...
the encounter with the whole... 

Call it God, the universe, or 
the strange force,
that drives our lives,
like a runaway car ...

We sometimes,
ask for something, or 
someone to lead us...

Other times,
we ask to let us stay,
quietly, without knowing,
where to go...

Understanding the human mind,
has always been,
the greatest,
of the great enigmas...

And us,
the greatest thinking beings,
trying to use the art of thinking,
without knowing what to think...

Inconsequential, eloquent, irreverent,
these crazy things,that we want to be,
but fear to do so...

Because life in society,
claims to be inconvenient,
and even displeasing; Is that so? ...

There is a lack of light,
in the seeing...
there is a lack of love,
in the love we see...

'Cause what we see,out there,
is anything, but love...

It may even resembles,
what is said of,
but it is far from being,
what they are representing around us...

The infinite being of the universe,
that’s what we are,
mutants of our wishes...

Involved in the massacred reason of the mass,
the reason of what? ... 

We walk every step,
in this sorrow of sorrows,
between the summer smiles,
holding life, as an apprentice,
of the 'bon vivant'...

In the hope, one find,
its life parallels,
who call us to learn,
how to live...

But who knows, how to cross them?,
the so called, parallels...

by Jacky Sewell

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