Sunday, October 05, 2014

#Parallels #Universes

The here and there! Lives that intertwine in parallel universes,
and the five physical senses cannot detect...
Constantly influenced by forces of other worlds,
attracted by the emanation of our intimate vibrations...

An invisible but indivisible world,
as vibrant as the dimension you currently are...
And we don’t need to transcend its matter to observe,
right here, where we live, there are worlds that never meet…

Each mind is a universe in construction,
and each one is in their own process of evolution,
spreading love among thorns and pain...

There are bodies so close but they never touch,
there are eyes that look without seeing...
Each within its own parameters,
smiling, crying, running or walking,
in the hope to one day intertwine...

Thinking that we are caring only of our own steps,
we don’t realize that there is no such a thing as separation,
what I am or what I will be today, will one day affect you,
what I feel and believe can also modify you...

If I recluse, I accuse the world is forsaking me,
if I open and hurt, I didn’t learn the lesson of giving,
If I breathe and meditate, I retrieve power to continue...

By purifying my spirit, I integrate it to infinity,
And I become the star to shine upon you...

We one day will arrive at the same revelation,
Your world is mine, and mine in yours...
Parallel to our own thinking,
We are all part of the same universe...

by Jacky Sewell

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