Wednesday, July 30, 2014

#Free yourself of #Guilt

Guilt is the worst enemy of true happiness and self-esteem...

Society and religions, 
within their beliefs of what is "right or wrong",
creates in us certain locks,
on how we should judge ourselves,
in every situation of our lives ...

Feeling guilt is the most lethal weapon,
against a clear conscience and peace of mind ...
It keeps us in a web, under the control of those
who see us as easy prey for manipulation...

It blocks our capabilities to make the right decisions,
and to believe that we deserve self-forgiveness ...

Free yourself of any guiltiness,
as there is only a ‘right or wrong',
within what your conscience accuses you to ...

Analyze and understand that everything that you have done,
was the best that you could do,
with the vision and knowledge you had,
at that time of your life ...

Forgive and love yourself, with your mistakes and successes,
so you may see in others,
beings who are able to rebuild themselves,
by accepting their own faults ....

When we are right with our own conscience,
and have the understanding of our weaknesses,
we are also more susceptible to a nonjudgmental Love…

It does not mean, that we will no longer have consciousness of our wrongdoings,
but we can certainly look at them, as learning paths,
which has promoted our transformation to our today's better selves....

Eliminate guilt from your mind and soul,
and you'll be giving yourself,
the opportunity of a life full of happy possibilities ....

By Jacky Sewell

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