Wednesday, June 15, 2016

With Whom you Walk?

Observe who you walk with, and life will show you whom adds and whom subtracts. 

Surround yourself with people who:
*You can count on, when it is necessary
*Are loyal, and your trusted confidant of your intimate secrets
*Brings you joy and warmth, just by being in their presence
*Tells you the truth with no fear and with diplomacy, bringing you back to reality
*Rejoices in your victories, but also stimulates your spirit in your ability to overcome defeats
* Shares with you their knowledge, adding ethical-moral, intellectual and spiritual values ​​to your life
* Appreciates you, even when they sincerely show you the weaknesses of your character
* Smiles with you of silly things, and cry in the most difficult moments of your life
* Alerts you when you have gone too far, but also when the fear is paralyzing your footsteps to realize your dreams
* Understand your limits and opinions, but do not make blind eyes of your ignorance
* Forgives your bitter words and imaturity, and don't give up on you, even when they get hurt
* Corrects you silently through their examples, in their small and great attitudes
* Admires you for who you are, and not for what you have, but inspires you to become a better version of yourself
* Deciphers your silence and can read your thoughts at a glance. Often, rescuing you from negative influences
* Even if physically distant, they will always be present
* Respects your time to learn your life lessons, and your space to recover from your sorrows

But, above all, loves you, especially when you have forgotten to love yourself...

by @JackySewell

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