Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Courage…an inner strength that governs the life events of an individual, affecting not only himself, but all those who share his vision. It is faith in itself…the spring that propels us to take those quantum leaps out of our comfort zone. A force that generates, execute and materialize all our plans, dreams and ideals.

"Courage eliminates the fear of those who have in mind a complete vision of what they want to achieve. The courageous person does not identify himself with any feeling of doubt, because he knows and believes on his own ability to move on and reach the final destination."

Courage is not something to be developed; every human being has it latent within. It is used as a tool of progress, by those who believes, is not shaken and neither gives up with the first bump in the road; It is invisible wings, that make us fly very high.

The courageous is not afraid of the new, neither to change the script venture, nor to meet any challenges that will provide them with inner and external reform, necessary to eliminate the old way of thinking, acting and reacting towards all that has kept his growth stationary. He fights; he runs after and does not accept ' No ' for an answer, because he goes through difficulties in life without losing focus.

The courageous doesn’t know what discouragement, fear or the word 'maybe' means? He doesn’t get intimidated by failures, because he lives and breathes courage, get feed by what is discredit by others and so feels and knows that he was already born as a winner.

The courageous person does not withdraw themselves from the pessimistic; he just does not see them. He doesn’t have any affinity with such energy that can poison and dazzle his vision of the target.  He is an optimistic by nature and sees negative people as a poor deluded that is sick with low self-esteem.

Those who are courageous renew and reinvent themselves constantly and are capable to change our history. Those who has courage breaks paradigms, conquers himself, announces the new, brings light to the soul and are the living representative of the word '' Faith ''.

by Jacky Sewell


Coragem ... uma força interior que rege os acontecimentos da vida de um indivíduo, afetando não somente a ele, mas todos aqueles que compartilham de sua visão. E’ a fe’ em si mesmo, a mola que impulsiona-nos a dar saltos quanticos para fora de nossa zona de conforto. Uma força que gera, executa e materializa todos os nossos planos, sonhos e ideais.

"A coragem elimina o medo daqueles que tem em mente  a visão completa daquilo que quer alcançar. A pessoa corajosa não se identifica com nenhum sentimento de dúvida, porque sabe e acredita em sua capacidade de seguir em frente pra chegar ao destino final."

A coragem nao e’algo a ser desenvolvido; cada ser humano a tem latente dentro de si. E’ a ferramenta usada para o progresso por aqueles que acreditam, não se abalam e não desistem com a primeira pedra no caminho;  São asas invisiveis, que fazem-nos voar muito alto.

O corajoso não tem medo do novo , de mudar o roteiro, de se aventurar, enfrentar os desafios  necessários para eliminar a velha maneira de pensar, agir e reagir em relação a tudo que tem mantido o seu crescimento estacionário. Ele luta, corre atrás e não aceita o ‘Não’ como resposta,  porque atravessa as dificuldades de sua vida sem perder o foco.

O corajoso não sabe o que e’ o  desanimo, receio, medo, ou a palavra “talvez”?”. Não se intimida com o  fracasso, porque vive e respira a coragem e se alimenta daquilo que todos desacreditam. Com isso sente e sabe que ja nasceu um vencedor. 

A pessoa corajosa não se afasta do pessimista, ela simplesmente não os enxerga. Ela não tem qualquer afinidade com tal energia que possa envenenar ou ofuscar sua visão do alvo. E’otimista por natureza e ve pessoas negativas como um pobre iludido que esta doente de baixa auto-estima.

Quem tem coragem renova-se, re-inventa-se constantemente, e são capazes de mudar a nossa história. Quem tem coragem quebra paradigmas, vence a si mesmo, anuncia o novo, traz luz na alma, e e’ o representante vivo da palavra ‘’ Fe’ ’’.

by Jacky Sewell

Saturday, March 15, 2014

#Awakening of #Consciousness

This term (The awakening of consciousness) is widely used by esoteric, as the transition and elevation of thoughts and vibrations from matter to spirit. Although the breathing techniques, meditations or any kind of spiritual initiation are totally valid and solid with its purpose, this subject is absurdly comprehensive and connected to an awakening of our cosmic consciousness, our responsibility and role as citizen of this universe, starting with our mother EARTH.

This is mainly related with how to develop or release certain concepts, prejudices and archetype constructions of the mind, pre-conceived thoughts throughout times, culture, education, race, government repression, our limited vision and interpretation of the sacred texts, and the precarious knowledge and personal limitations in the psychological, intellectual, moral and spiritual area.

An awakening of cosmic consciousness, start with the most basic thing in society: "Education", developing a new being, with a more independent point of view and no slavery to the material world. These beings are coming into this planet in the care of parents, who should be more aware of the role they must play, in their development. Freed from the shackles of the past and selfishness.

One must be very careful not to impose in our children, our fears and our own old ways of thinking, that are totally outdated and obsolete:  'Where all runs after ‘having’ and little is spoken about ‘being’. Unfortunately, this role is usually left for religions to care, when many of them, have already exceeded their validity dates, in their pre-historic concepts and views. The present time, clearly confirms that to us, through the chaotic results of its effects, in a sick and unhappy society, that became consumerist, arrogant, materialistic, separatist, and irrespective of their social level, have triggered the great evil of the century: "Depression".

We need to wake up to an evolved cosmic being, and raise our vibratory pattern simply by becoming more responsible for each other. 'Our misfortune is another’s unhappiness; they joy is our happiness too.’

Those beings should work in all walks of life, in view of the general good and not just its individual. Using ethics in their attitudes towards life and everything in it. Of course, for this to happen, it takes self-knowledge, freedom of feelings of guiltiness, fears that are deeply rooted, inherited by our forerunners and by placing high cultivation of the action love, not the utopic one. 

One that embraces humanity as part of his own, has developed himself in harmony with universal peace, human rights and the consciousness of unconditional love. These concepts should be firmly instructed by their parents, supplemented in school knowledge, and consolidated in their attitudes within society. Everyone fulfilling their part.

“Educating people, to understand the consequences of their actions, or the result of the lack thereof. Using their own moral and spiritual knowledge, to aim a general good with no restrictions and limitations, but as part of their day- to-day, in all their attitudes and everyday decisions. Believing in his strength and power to fight for 'Good against Evil', not being the slave or victim of circumstances, materialism, people and governments, because we all have the consciousness of what is right and wrong. Doing good to anyone, doing unto others what we would like to be done to ourselves, regardless of race, colour, religion and social status. Simple as that!"

I foresee a society of a new generation, aware of all this, and they will make a difference since the very early stage of their lives, in any type of function they may exercise. Each will be an example of duty, integrity, honesty, trust and in so, fulfilling their personal mission within their spiritual and social degree of elevation.

Evil will be a very temporary feeling and even an outdated behaviour. Evil will be the minority and all will rise to re-educate them, because evil is the ignorance of goodness. 

We are responsible for everything and everyone around us and we are co-creators of all that happens to us, accordingly, to whatever will happen too. People need to see themselves as the lifeblood to establish this new world, and stop transferring these responsibilities to other hands, to chance or God...

It is time for us to be vigilant of our thoughts, words and actions, so we can build a better world for future generations. It is time for us to become a better inter - planetary neighbour, in this vast galaxy of stars which we are part of it. So we can venture this universe, with a clear conscious of what we represent in it. We must take the reins and control of our lives, of our mental home, our heart and therefore become a more consciously awaken citizen .

'There is much more out there, than the eyes of ignorance will ever be able to see'

By Jacky Sewell

Thursday, March 06, 2014


No vazio da rotina, seguimos nosso roteiro, sem tempo de olhar pro lado...
Caminhamos os mesmos passos, em busca do ganha pão...
Lamentamos num mesmo coro, a monotonia do dia a dia...
Choramos o mesmo choro, mas nada fazemos pra sair da desilusão...

Temos medo de agir diferente, e perder o fio da meada...
Aspiramos os mesmos desejos, sem coragem de encontrar a saida...
Desculpamo-nos das mesmas mentiras, por que e’ melhor que o nada...
Somos levados pela mesma massa, que discorda dos desejos d’alma...

Projetamos os nossos sonhos, nos filhos que ainda virão...
Transferimos as mesmas ideias, herança de pai, mãe e irmão...
Sufocamos suas asas libertas, na busca do si mesmo...
Esquecemos que e’ permitido, a liberdade de pensamentos....

Aprendemos a conviver com ela, massacrante rotina raiz...
Agradecemos o que temos, mantendo-nos no mesmo desdenho...
Enfrentamos nossa realidade, pois foi assim que Deus quiz...
E’ mais facil culpar a divindade, e na falta de coragem,
a conformidade fara-nos mais feliz...

by Jacky Sewell


In this empty routine, we follow our script, with no time to look to the side...
We walk the same steps, in search of livelihood...
Lamenting in the same choir, the monotony of everyday life...
Crying the same tears, but doing nothing to get out of this disillusionment...

We are afraid to act differently, and lose the thread of life...
Aspiring to the same desires, without the courage to find the exit...
Apologizing for the same lies, because is better than nothing...
We are driven by the same mass who disagree with our soul wishes...

We project our dreams, onto the children that are yet to come...
Transferring the same ideas, inherited from family...
We suffocate their free wings, in their search of themselves...
Forgetting that they are allowed of their freedom of thoughts....

We learn to live with it, this root crushing routine...
Appreciating what we have whilst remaining in the same disdain...
We face our reality, because this is how God so wanted...
Is easy to blame divinity, for the lack of our courage,
and conformity motivates through making us happier till the end...

by Jacky Sewell

#Ativa #Espectadora

O  tempo passa lentamente pela janela dos meus olhos,
observando a vida la fora, atravessando as ruas,
tudo corre solto numa sincronicidade e compostura...

Daqui vejo as avenidas e os carros,
pessoas que vem e vão,
em toda sua cumplicidade, e ilusão de vida urbana…

Queria poder tocar, aquele violão empoeirado,
esquecido e encostado na parede do meu quarto,
pra amparar essas reflexões nas rimas de um velho som…

Queria poder voltar ao tempo, pra rever os meus passos,
caminhando contra o vento, sonhando com um futuro promissor,
para fazer do velho o novo e o novo com um melhor velho então...

Atravez da janela, nada muda,  a vida não espera, tento entender...
Segue sempre bela e segura, para aqueles que sabem viver…
Atravez das redes sociais, tudo muda, sorrisos em fotos parecem vender,
aparencias em um mundo de loucuras, mera ilusão de um bem querer...

Compreendo que a vida, nos chama para a boa comunicação,
ver sentido em meio as despedidas...
Aprender com as dores, e sorrir com a nova geração...

E nesse mundo sozinha, perdida em devaneios,
refugio-me no abrigo do lar, caminhando nas linhas desses pensamentos,
sou espectadora ativa, num mundo que parece correr em passos lentos...

by Jacky Sewell

#Active #Spectator

Time passes slowly through the window of my eyes,
observing life outside, crossing the streets,
everything seems to run rampant in synchronicity and composure...

Hence I see the avenues, the cars,
people that comes and goes ,
throughout their complicity in the illusion of urban life...

I wish I could play, that dusty guitar,
forgotten and pushed against the wall of my room,
to sustain these reflections in an old rhyme song...

I wish I could go back in time, to revise my steps,
walking against the wind, dreaming of a promissing future,
to make the old ways better and the new ways with a better old...

Through the window nothing changes, life does not wait, I try to understand...
It follows always beautifully and safe, for those who know how to live...
From social media, everything changes, the smiles in photos seem to sell,
appearances in a world of madness, a mere illusion of a wishing well...

I understand that life calls in for good communication,
and to make sense amid the farewells...
to learn from pain, and smile with the new generation...

And in this world alone, lost in reverie,
I take refuge in the shelter of home, 
walking through the lines of those thoughts,
I’m an active spectator in a world that seems to run, with steps on hold...

by Jacky Sewell

Meu #Caminho

Mil caminhos segui, e neles muito que  aprendi,
chorei, sorri, sobrevivi,  agradeço as lagrimas que deixei cair...
Pra longe eu andei , e la eu encontrei,
um destino maior, de que jamais previ…

Frutifiquei  então, a flor mais bela da vida,
e encontrei um amor, em meio uma despedida…
E num momento sombrio, o Criador veio iluminar...
num livro de perguntas e respostas, um mundo espiritual a me guiar…

Tudo e’ aprendizado, são paginas da nossa historia,
um teatro vivo, sem ensaio na memoria…  
Em meio ao tempo no vento, devolvo o que a vida me da’,
palavras de inspiração, num caminho de libertação...

E se agora eu me for,  levarei comigo so’ o amor,
hoje mais aliviada...cansada sim, mas menos carregada…
Mesmo deixando para traz, o que não consegui aprender,
perdão aos que errei, volto um dia, meu amor te oferecer…

E num sorriso tranquilo, meu caminho vou continuar,
deixando marcas brilhantes, por onde quer que eu passar…

By Jacky Sewell

My #Path

I've followed a thousand ways and lessons have been learnt…
cried, smiled, survived, and appreciated every tear I’ve dropped...
Went far and found a greater destiny, which I would never endeavour to foresee...

Flourished the most beautiful flower of life,
and found a great love, amongst farewell and good-byes...
At the darkest moment, the Creator came to enlighten,
in a book of questions and answers, a spiritual world came to guide...

Everything is a learning path, pages from the story of our lives…
It feels like a live theatre, with no rehearsals supplied...
Along all those years, I’ve tried to give back, that of what life has giving me,
words of inspirations in a path of liberation...

If I depart now, I'll take with me only love,
today relieved...tired yes, but with less worries on board...
And if I leave behind, that which I could not learn,
pardon to those I’ve wronged,
Will be back one day and offer my love in return...

And with a peaceful smile, I’ll continue my path,
leaving shining marks, wherever I may walk by...

By Jacky Sewell